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Welcome to Room 103!
We are all about the tech at William J Johnston Middle School. If students can imagine it, we encourage them to develop it! Our 6th - 8th graders have many opportunities throughout the school day to bring their technology passions to life: create a prototype of the next life-changing invention, develop the latest Android app, design and print a 3-D model, hone their skills at game design, engineer a plane or miniature car, even develop Augmented and Virtual realities. Specifically in Room 404, we start by making sure all of our 6th graders have the foundations for safe tech practices: researching and communicating online, avoiding cyber attacks, copywriting work and ensuring the validity of resources. By time students reach the 8th grade, they are versed in the many online tools that will help them be successful in pursuing Computer Science classes and personal interests in the future.
Special Events
We'll be back live podcasting at the next
CPS Digital Learning Day.
Until then, you can still enjoy our last broadcast:
WJJMS students took part again in the annual "Digital Learning Day at Colchester Public Schools." Our students gave seminars in cyber safety, as well as mini-lessons on developing apps for Android. One 8th grader captured the whole experience through her live podcast. Take a listen to one of her episodes below:
Featured Student Projects
Coding With Scratch
A collaborative team of 8th graders brought together their graphic design, programming and audio engineering skills to create the addictive video game, "Richard's Revenge." All elements of the game are original, including leveling up against spawning ostriches. Think you are up for the challenge to help Richard? Visit on your computer and be prepared to have some fun. Developer's note: read the instructions and credits before playing for some tips on how to survive the ostriches, as well as to make play more challenging.
App Development in...Google Slides?
Before designing an app in MIT App Inventor when they are in 8th grade, these 6th graders had the opportunity to learn about effective design and usability when programming for a mobile device. Information Literacy classes were given the challenge to create an app that would help out the greater WJ community, and what could be more useful than a tool that helps students navigate lunchtime? Android and iOS users can download the "The Great WJJMS Cafeteria App" by typing this website into their browser, and saving to the home screen. (*Note - to ensure the app works properly for Android devices, the address needs to be typed into the browser, not just clicked on from this page) If you liked this app, be sure to check out our other favorites:
BETA Survival App
OMEGA Teachers
WJJMS Resources
Kindness Initiative App & Website